Friday, September 1, 2000

Give me Liberty or give me, um, a Game Boy


By Dan Amrich

Really, this was inevitable. As cell phones turn into Web browsers and Pocket PCs turn into MP3 players, the convergence of the greatest handheld game system of all time (Nintendo's 11-year-old Game Boy) and the niftiest handheld computer on the market (the Palm organizer, duh) simply had to happen.

Unfortunately, maybe it happened a little too fast.

Mind you, simply making Game Boy software run on a Palm device is extremely impressive. The gang at Gambit Studios (at has pulled a wild one with Liberty, the first GameBoy Emulator for the Palm OS--and yes, it works. It's pictured in Figure A and is being distributed exclusively by PalmGear at


Liberty lets you play Game Boy games on your Palm device.

Tetris, Pokemon, Bionic Commando, Joust