<p>Google's Android tablet is steadily taking control of the tablet market from Apple thanks to the Android's lower price range, according to a report released Monday.</p><p>Worldwide sales of Android tablets catapulted upwards to 121.0 million sales in 2013, or 61.9% of the global tablet market, according to the latest data by the research firm Gartner. That's an increase from 53.3 million sales in 2012, or 45.8% of the market.</p><p>Meanwhile, sales of tablets using Apple's iOS operating system rose much less quickly, from 61.5 million to 70.4 million, representing a slide from 52.8% of the global tablet market in 2012 to just 36% of the market in 2013.</p><p>Those number indicate Apple iOS tablets are taking a back seat to Android's lower-priced options.</p><p><a href="http://business.time.com/2014/03/03/android-tablets-eat-up-a-slice-of-apples-market-share/">Keep reading...</a></p><p>Read also:</p><p><a href="http://news.cnet.com/8301-1035_3-57619796-94/android-beat-apple-in-tablet-sales-last-year-gartner/">Android beat Apple in tablet sales last year -- Gartner</a> (CNET)</p><p><a href="http://www.zdnet.com/top-android-tablets-march-2014-edition-7000026929/">Top Android tablets (March 2014 edition)</a> (ZDNet)</p><p><a href="http://techcrunch.com/2014/03/03/gartner-195m-tablets-sold-in-2013-android-grabs-top-spot-from-ipad-with-62-share/">Gartner: 195M Tablets Sold In 2013, Android Grabs Top Spot From iPad With 62 ...</a> (TechCrunch)</p><p>Explore: <a href="http://news.google.com/news/more?ncl=dJwoyldEdSGCMYM-MhYdFHJ3hgv7M&authuser=0&ned=us">105 additional articles.</a></p>