<p>The cheapest nosebleed ticket sold to Superbowl 2014 ran about $1,300. Sure, you'll walk away with memories, but you're not going to get a great view and afterwards you'll have nothing material to show for it.</p><p>That same amount of money (or significantly less) could get you a the best view in the house on a new big screen TV that'll impress your friends and give you entertainment for years to come. How big you want the screen size depends on how big your budget is, but we've scoured for HDTVs through the most reputable retailers, and here's the top five best bang-for-your-buck HDTVs.</p><p>0) 65 Seiki SE65JY25 240Hz LED HDTV for $799.99</p><p>Update: Just added and at limited quantity this 65-inch 240Hz fell to $800 on eBay Deals. The 240Hz is ideal for sports and is the cheapest 65-inch HDTV right now. Limited quantity available. Update #2: Sold out!</p><p><a href="http://www.gadgetreview.com/2014/01/the-best-five-hdtv-deals-for-super-bowl-2014.html">Keep reading...</a></p>