<p>2013 was a big year for Foursquare, and arguably its most important. The company completed its transition to a location discovery service, finally started building its small business ad platform, and raised $76 million ($41 million of which was debt).</p><p>This doesn't quite work.</p><p>The company's moves were also accompanied by a new cadre of apps that support the new discovery-focused Foursquare. Apps such as the one for Windows 8 are all about showing off the best of what Foursquare has to offer: pretty pictures, smart recommendations, and detailed venue info.</p><p>One thing, however, still feels out of place: Foursquare's friend system. Like Facebook's system, Foursquare's model is symmetrical: Two people decide to friend one another, and each sees in their feeds where the other has checked-in.</p><p><a href="http://venturebeat.com/2014/01/02/heres-why-foursquare-should-ditch-friends-for-twitter-like-followers/">Keep reading...</a></p>