<p>When we last covered Pin Drop a year ago an iPhone app and website which helps people bookmark locations we described it as an Evernote for location. You could drop pins onto a map and build up a library of your favourite locations. So far so simple. A much bigger startup, Findery, from Flickr cofounder Katerina Fake, has raised $11m to do almost the same thing. But the bootstrapped PinDrop has now been rebuilt from scratch and frankly, I would say it is head and shoulders above Findery, not least because it's capable of an entirely mobile experience.</p><p>Until now the app's only been on iPhone, with the new version they going to be launching on Android too and in 10 languages.</p><p>While Pin Drop is avoiding the Foursquare tag, (there are no points, no badges, no leader boards to game). Instead what you have is an exceedingly useful app which also works offline, where you can make drop pins not locations and recommend them, making them public or private. You could thus follow me on PinDrop and see what locations I bookmark for startups in Europe as I travel around. All of a users' pins are private unless they choose to share them and make them public. Of course, ideally many will become public, thus populating the globe. Pin Drop also has an API for third party developers to play around with.</p><p>Given that it also features curated lists, it is reminiscent of what the ill-fated Amen app used to do in terms of recommending good places to eat etc.</p><p><a href="http://techcrunch.com/2013/11/14/pin-drops-rebuilt-location-bookmarking-app-answers-a-need-foursquare-missed/">Keep reading...</a></p>