<p>Checking out: Location based play has ditched the Foursquare model, says MeanFreePath Location-based gaming remains something of an unfulfilled mobile niche - at least in terms of commercial success.</p><p>But that doesn't mean there aren't some niche developers who are building their communities and expertise. One such as US-based MeanFreePath.</p><p>It launched its debut Turf Wars way back in January 2010, following up with new release Global Supremacy in June 2013.</p><p>A good opportunity then to talk to company founder Nick Baicoianu about what the developer learned along the way, and where it's going next.</p><p><a href="http://www.pocketgamer.biz/r/PG.Biz/MeanFreePath+news/feature.asp?c=53820">Keep reading...</a></p>