<p>Last month, 9to5Mac's Mark Gurman said the iPad version of iOS 7 was "running behind," and rumors since then have indicated Apple won't have the iPad version of iOS 7 ready by Sept. 10, which is when the company is expected to release the gold master version of iOS 7 to developers. Apple has released six separate betas of iOS 7 thus far. In all likelihood, iOS 7 won't be ready to release on the iPad until October.</p><p>But why the delay of iOS 7 for iPad? Well, first, the iPad and iPad mini didn't support iOS 7 until the release of iOS 7 beta 2, which gave iPhone developers a two-week head start on optimizing their applications for Apple's newest mobile operating system. But, more important, in the same way new hardware deserves new software, the company probably wants to make the release of its new iPads in October more profound. If iPad users get a full month and a half to play with iOS 7 on their current iPads before the new ones come out, the new iPads might seem less attractive or less "new."</p><p>The bottom line: Apple is aware of its successful strategy of bundling the release dates of new iPhone hardware and software, and simply wants to apply the same formula to the iPad.</p><p>The release of iOS 7 will likely accompany Apple's new Mac software, OS X Mavericks, which is also expected to launch in late October. With the company's product release date formula in mind, the introduction of OS X Mavericks may coincide with some new Mac hardware, including new iMacs and MacBook Pros powered by fourth-generation Intel Core Processors, code-named Haswell.</p><p><a href="http://www.ibtimes.com/apple-ios-7-release-date-nears-no-ipad-support-until-october-1403469">Keep reading...</a></p><p>Read also:</p><p><a href="http://crossmap.christianpost.com/news/iphone-6-5s-and-5c-ipad-mini-2-ipad-5-ios-7-release-date-2013-news-whats-apple-announcing-september-10-in-cupertino-5045">iPhone 6 5S And 5C iPad Mini 2 iPad 5 iOS 7 Release Date 2013 News; What's ...</a> (Crossmap)</p><p><a href="http://www.stableytimes.com/news/new-ipad-mini-2-and-ipad-5-release-date-taged-by-ios-7-rollout/">New iPad mini 2 and iPad 5 release date nicked by iOS 7 rollout</a> (Stabley Times)</p><p><a href="http://www.designntrend.com/articles/7726/20130907/ios-7-iphone-5s-6-release-date-rumors-news-features-apple-inc-weekly-roundup.htm">iOS 7, iPhone 5S, 6, Release Date, Rumors, News, Features: Apple Inc. Weekly ...</a> (Design & Trend)</p><p>Explore: <a href="http://news.google.com/news/more?ncl=dZQfFO7KB7jz8AMtB4tgfvSR-clKM&ned=us">81 additional articles.</a></p>