<p>Grishin Robotics, the first global robotics investment company, said it is investing in USbased NanoSatisfi. With the funds raised the American company plans to enable any person across the world to look into space via the internet for just $250 a week.</p><p>Dmitry Grishin is Chairman of the Mail.Ru Group, a publicly traded company with a market capitalization of nearly $6 billion. He will contribute to the development of the ultra mall satellites known as nano-satellites. NanoSatisfi wants to use the money to provide a web-based platform for direct access to the nanosatellites, primarily to educational organizations. During 2014 the US company plans to make nanosatellites accessible for more than 250,000 people.</p><p>"NanoSatisfi disrupts and truly democratizes the space industry, making it much more accessible to a wider audience than ever before. The number of launched satellites is projected to nearly double in 2020 in comparison to 2013 and the company is very well positioned to become a leader in this emerging market", Grishin said.</p><p>Peter Platzer, founder of NanoSatisfi, compares modern nanosatellites to robots in space. "Our common mission is to use nano-satellites to expand people's possibilities and provide access to space to millions people across the world. On top of that, numerous groups of nano-satellites will in the future allow to solve difficult problems that involve processing loads of accurate and quality data about our planet and the surrounding space," Platzer said.</p><p><a href="http://rt.com/business/grishin-robotics-us-nanosatellites-010/">Keep reading...</a></p>