<p>ZDNet recently learned that BlackBerry has quietly launched BES 10.1 as a service, as part of the launch of the latest update to the BlackBerry Enterprise Service. The company hasn't broadcast a press release about this new development but has begun to talk openly about it.</p><p>"We are making BES 10.1 available as a cloud service and have several companies in trial," said Pete Devenyi, BlackBerry's SVP of Enterprise Software.</p><p>As we reported earlier, BlackBerry Enterprise Service 10.1 is expected to give the company a boost as it rises to meet the demand for solutions to manage iOS and Android devices in a BYOD environment.</p><p>With service providers working hard to convince businesses to stop deploying their own servers and data centers and simply purchase server capacity and enterprise apps on demand, it puts pressure on other application and server providers to do the same in order to better integrate with these cloud solutions and to match up the business model for customers.</p><p><a href="http://www.zdnet.com/blackberry-quietly-launches-bes-10-1-in-the-cloud-7000015507/">Keep reading...</a></p><p>Read also:</p><p><a href="http://en.kioskea.net/news/23709-blackberry-enterprise-cloud-service-launched">BlackBerry Enterprise Cloud Service Launched</a> (Kioskea)</p><p>Explore: <a href="http://news.google.com/news/more?ncl=dke9_JOtCruur4MYKmky5_N_zCkHM&ned=us">2 additional articles.</a></p>