<p>For many Americans, the upside of government watchfulness is worth the trade-off.</p><p>ON Thursday, just after reports broke that the National Security Agency had been helping itself to data from just about every major American Internet company, an enterprising Twitter user set up an account called "Nothing to Hide," which reproduced tweets from people expressing blithe unconcern about their government's potential access to their e-mails, phone records, video chats, you name it.</p><p>"If it can save people from another 9/11 like attack, go for it," one declared. "My emails/phone calls are not that exciting anyway ..."</p><p>Another tweeted: "...this sort of thing was bound to happen. We live in the information age. Besides, I have nothing to hide."</p><p><a href="http://www.nytimes.com/2013/06/09/opinion/sunday/douthat-your-smartphone-is-watching-you.html">Keep reading...</a></p>