<p>Yesterday I received a WiFi repeater that I had ordered from Amazon, and after I had completed the setup I experienced problems with the signal between the repeater and my main router.</p><p>1) Signal drops occasionally between my laptop and the repeater2) Internet connection is considerably slower when connected to the repeater (about 10% of the speed I get from my main router - speedtest.net) although the wireless signal is perfect when testing both3) I can only access the config page on the repeater BEFORE it is setup to the existing WiFi. As soon as I've set it up, I cannot access it anymore.</p><p>When running the setup for the repeater it shows that the connection to my existing WiFi is 100%, so the signal seems to be fine.</p><p>The repeater I bought is this an equivalent of this - http://www.amazon.co.uk/Repeater-amplifier-including-co... -and my router is a Thomson TWG870U with the latest firmware. The distance between the two are less than 10m and my laptop is in between them both.</p><p><a href="http://www.tomshardware.com/answers/id-1628116/wifi-repeater-signal-problem.html">Keep reading...</a></p>