<p>The latest buzz in the online world is that Android tablets are poised to overtake Apple's ubiquitous iPad.</p><p>The iPad line dominates the tablet market, but Apple's market share has been slowly diminishing as powerhouses like Amazon, Samsung and Asus have iterated through designs to find what'll help them gain market share.</p><p>Industry analyst IDC projects that 190 million tablets will be purchased in 2013, and that Android will overtake iOS. The company predicts that 48.8 percent of tablets sold in 2013 will be running a version of Android, and that those gains will "come at the expense of Apple's iOS, which is expected to slip from 51 percent of the market in 2012 to 46 percent in 2013."</p><p>Today there are lots of tablet devices available, ranging from $199 at the low end and going up to $1,000 or more, if you want a "dockable" tablet/laptop configuration.</p><p><a href="http://www.dailycamera.com/business-columnists/ci_22791288/ask-dave-taylor-tablets-android-vs-ios?source=most_viewed">Keep reading...</a></p><p>Read also:</p><p><a href="http://www.forbes.com/sites/connieguglielmo/2013/03/16/apple-loop-trashing-android-wireless-charging-for-the-ipad-and-beyond-creating-a-manga-comic-starring-steve-jobs/">Apple Loop: Trashing Android, Wireless Charging For The iPad And Beyond ...</a> (Forbes)</p><p><a href="http://www.denverpost.com/business/ci_22803576/android-poised-overtake-apple-mobile-realm">Android poised to overtake Apple in mobile realm</a> (Denver Post)</p><p><a href="http://www.thehimalayantimes.com/fullNews.php?headline=Apple">Apple's iPad to fall behind Android</a> (Himalayan Times)</p><p>Explore: <a href="http://news.google.com/news/more?ncl=d5Fv_YuL1lidvaMg3URM9FVE55QDM&ned=us">9 additional articles.</a></p>