<p>A new study looks at whether Likes on Facebook correlate with intelligence and personality.(Photo: Karen Bleier, AFP/Getty Images)Story HighlightsU.K. researchers looked at dataset of U.S. Facebook usersFacebook Likes were fed into algorithmsStudy found highest accuracy for ethnicity and gender</p><p>If you "Like" lots of people, places and things on Facebook, you may get rewarded with discounts and special offers. But new research out today shows that these public Likes reveal more about you than you may think.</p><p>Using a dataset of more than 58,000 Facebook users in the USA collected between 2007 and 2012, researchers at the University of Cambridge in the United Kingdom were able to accurately predict certain qualities and traits, such as race, age, IQ, sexuality, personality, substance use and political views using Facebook Likes alone.</p><p>The Likes include photos, friends' status updates, Facebook pages of products, sports, musicians, books, restaurants or popular websites.</p><p><a href="http://www.usatoday.com/story/news/nation/2013/03/11/facebook-likes-predictions-privacy/1975777/">Keep reading...</a></p><p>Read also:</p><p><a href="http://cosmiclog.nbcnews.com/_news/2013/03/11/17260270-gay-conservative-high-iq-your-facebook-likes-can-reveal-traits?lite">Gay? Conservative? High IQ? Your Facebook 'likes' can reveal traits</a> (NBCNews.com (blog))</p><p><a href="http://www.cnn.com/2013/03/11/tech/social-media/facebook-likes-study/">Facebook 'likes' can reveal your secrets, study finds</a> (CNN)</p><p><a href="http://www.mercurynews.com/business/ci_22765640/what-you-like-facebook-can-be-revealing">What do your Facebook 'likes' say about you? Plenty, it turns out</a> (San Jose Mercury News)</p><p>Explore: <a href="http://news.google.com/news/more?ncl=dxCepIgL4RiwpUMjmBfUoATV4MGIM&ned=us">22 additional articles.</a></p>