<p>Nearly two years ago, my co-author Mike Schneider and I published a book called Location-Based Marketing for Dummies. At the time, location-based marketing was just getting off the ground in large part thanks to the launch of two services: foursquare and Gowalla.</p><p>Over the last couple of years, many of the original location-based services have been acquired or have gone out of business. But foursquare still stands in spite of the fact that it still hasn't caught fire like many of us hoped it would.</p><p>While foursquare has stalled out around 25 million users, it is still a force to be reckoned with and worth considering as part of any company's marketing mix (that goes double for any live event).</p><p>It's been a while since I've seen a back-to-basics post on foursquare that doesn't just focus on the offers, but gets into some of the other considerations that are a must for a good foursquare campaign. There are plenty of others, but this should help get your creative juices flowing: Set goals: This probably sounds like a no-brainer, but as a business owner, it's sometimes tempting to jump in feet first. Given the fact that your business will need to spend time and energy against this effort, knowing what activities you are trying to drive (foot traffic, loyalty, awareness via sharing across social networks, share of wallet) is critical to measuring your ultimate success.</p><p><a href="http://marketingland.com/10-business-tips-for-getting-the-most-out-of-foursquare-35040">Keep reading...</a></p>