<p>If you're constantly updating your Facebook, Twitter, Google+, Path, LinkedIn, Instagram and Foursquare accounts, you're definitely a social media addict. Every moment has to be captured and shared, whether it's in a status update, photo or video. In fact, there's no such thing as "oversharing" in your dictionary.</p><p>These addicts can be using just about any smartphone--as long as it has a 3G connection and supports apps from their favorite social-networking sites.</p><p>Essential smartphone accessories for social-networking addicts help them to gain eyeballs for their posts, as well as garner more likes and followers. However, we won't be held responsible if someone tries to get you to go to social rehab for your addiction.Essential accessoriesBelkin LiveAction Camera Remote Thumbs up for hands-free self portraits. (Credit: Photojojo)</p><p>The Bluetooth-enabled Belkin LiveAction Camera Remote allows you to snap pictures and record videos with two dedicated shutter buttons. There's a self-timer mode--5 or 10 seconds--which makes it ideal for group shots and narcissistic self-portraits.</p><p><a href="http://asia.cnet.com/smart-phone-accessory-guide-for-social-networking-addicts-62218660.htm">Keep reading...</a></p>