PC Magazine has posted an interesting new article to their Web site on the past, present, and <A HREF="http://www.palminfocenter.com/news/8475/pcmag-editorial-palms-future-is-not-rosy/">potentially grim future of Palm.</A> Sascha Segan, an online columnist for PC Mag, has written a superbly hard-hitting superb piece that admonishes Palm for not only the Foleo cancellation debacle, but for the company's general inability to deliver compelling new products year after year. Segan offers similar advice to Palm as found in <A HREF="http://www.palminfocenter.com/news/8664/engadget-editorial-palm-its-time-for-an-intervention/">the recent Engadget open letter to Palm</A> and Ed Colligan, "Palm needs to set some deadlines, announce them, and stick to them. They need to suck up the tech community's disbelief for a while, and re-earn its respect by delivering big new ideas on time."