iambic unveiled <A HREF="http://www.iambic.com/about/pressreleases.asp?cnt=039">Version 4 of Agendus for Windows,</A> Outlook Edition and Palm Desktop Edition. These desktop versions of Agendus for Palm OS handhelds contain breakthrough features that make schedule management effortless. With the new "Capture to Agendus" feature, you no longer have to type as much. Instead, you can populate contacts, meetings, tasks, calls and email with text that you capture from anywhere. Inputting information isn't limited to typing. With Agendus for Windows, Version 4, you can also capture voice recordings and sketches. Agendus for Windows "connects" seamlessly with the back-end (data repository) and the front-end (user interface) of Outlook and Palm Desktop. No plug-ins are required. It also has the capability to synchronize with Agendus for Palm OS on your handheld, allowing you to take your valuable information with you when you leave your desk.