Thursday, June 1, 2000

The best of Windows CE Power


By Steve Niles

In this, the fifteenth and final issue of Windows CE Power, we want to take a moment to look back at some of the great articles that got us to where we are today before moving on to the exciting premier of Pocket PC Life, coming next month.

To learn more about our transition from Windows CE Power to Pocket PC Life, be sure to check out the editorial by Editor-in-Chief David Gewirtz, also in this issue.

We hope you enjoy this collection of greatest hits.

Inside Microsoft's Windows CE strategy

It seemed fitting to kick off our Premiere Issue by having a candid conversation with Microsoft's Jonathan Roberts, General Manager of Market Development for Windows CE. In this fascinating, exclusive interview conducted by Editor-in-Chief David Gewirtz, Roberts shared the inside scoop on Microsoft's Windows CE strategy. This was a must-read interview that's a lot of fun revisiting.

Go back in Windows CE history at

Programming Windows CE applications on your Windows CE machine

At Windows CE Power Magazine, we just love exclusive insider articles, and we know you do too. When this article was written, Tom Campbell was a programmer/writer for the Visual Basic team at Microsoft and an enthusiastic developer of Windows CE applications.

While Microsoft provides developer tools for Windows CE development, they require you to run your tools on an NT desktop and download programs to your Windows CE device. But, you don't have to do it that way, as we learned in this incredibly useful article when Tom took us on a tour of exceptional tools you can use to do Windows CE development right on your Windows CE device.

Check it out at

Understanding all those different Windows CE versions

Sometimes you just gotta love engineers. They build great software, like Windows CE, but sometimes they make it tough on us mere mortals. Case in point: the version numbers of the Windows CE operating system. This incredibly meaty article is for anyone who's ever tried to figure out what version of Windows CE goes with what.

Contributing editor Frank McPherson also pointed out great download sites where some of you can get free upgrades and even gave an exclusive glimpse into future releases.

Read all about it at