Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Status report: migrating ZENPRESS to a new platform


By David Gewirtz

Ever since the company was started, ZATZ went beyond basic publishing and has done ground-breaking research into Internet publishing technologies. In 1997, we developed the first version of ZENPRESS, our editorial management and production system.

Since then, ZENPRESS has been upgraded and improved continuously and has been responsible for producing and managing all of the articles and news items in all the ZATZ magazines.

Since 2008, we've continued to evolve ZENPRESS and in late 2009 began a migration process, moving the editorial technology from the UserLand Frontier environment to a LAMP (Linux, Apache, MySQL, PHP) environment.

We are currently working on extending the WordPress blogging tool to have ZENPRESS' advanced editorial management and production features.

It's always been my policy here at ZATZ to keep you guys in the loop about all of our progress, technologies, and plans. This ZENPRESS migration is a pretty big project and many of you have had questions about it.

Two weeks ago, I went down to WordCamp Miami to deliver a status report on the first year of the development project, moving ZENPRESS from the UserLand Frontier environment to WordPress.

Here's my session:

<iframe src="http://player.vimeo.com/video/21118033?byline=0&amp;portrait=0" width="400" height="300" frameborder="0"></iframe>

By the way, we've got two of our sites moved over and using the new LAMP-based ZENPRESS technology. Feel free to poke around our main ZATZ home page and our AuthorPower Web sites. We are upgrading our servers, so those two sites are a bit bouncy these days, but that'll be fixed in a few weeks.

Special thanks to Mason James and the gang at WPMU Dev for filming the session.