<p>Finally, there's an Android phone that doesn't make me miss anything about the iPhone. It's called the HTC One, and it's the best Android phone I've ever laid hands on.</p><p>It might also be the best smartphone I've ever used.</p><p>That's saying a lot. Until now, the iPhone 5 embodied everything I wanted in an ideal smartphone: a solid-yet-elegant design, seemingly limitless speed, and a great screen. Android phones have certainly come close, but up until now there's always been something that inexplicably held them back: the Nexus 4's lack of LTE, the Galaxy S4's cheap-feeling plastic case, or Android's own design immaturity until Android 4.0.</p><p>What makes the HTC One so great? Simply put, it's a phone that never leaves me wanting. It has a great camera, it's freakishly fast, and its screen is fantastic without needing to be oversized. It also packs in several features I never thought I'd want in a smartphone but that I've found myself coming back to quite a bit.</p><p><a href="http://venturebeat.com/2013/05/12/htcs-one-at-long-last-the-best-smartphone-is-an-android-phone-review/">Keep reading...</a></p><p>Read also:</p><p><a href="http://societyandreligion.com/wars-galaxy-s4-iphone/">Smartphone Wars: Samsung Galaxy S4 vs Apple iPhone 6 - Society & Religion</a> (Society and Religion)</p><p>Explore: <a href="http://news.google.com/news/more?ncl=dy48m3QCgKFfFJMWDbzu9KSCzhypM&ned=us">46 additional articles.</a></p>