<p>BlackBerry said Friday that it will ask the Securities and Exchange Commission and Canadian officials to review reports that the company is seeing high customer return rates for its latest smartphone.</p><p>In a release, the company specifically mentioned a report by an analyst at Detwiler Fenton, who said that returns of the company's new Z10 smartphone were unusually high and had, in some cases, exceeded sales numbers.</p><p>BlackBerry shares fell as much as 8 percent in Thursday trading after the reports began to circulate, closing at $13.55 per share.</p><p>Detwiler Fenton said in a statement Friday that it stands by its report. "We are confident in our research methodology and we welcome and regulatory inquiry," said a statement by Anne Buckley, the firm's general counsel and chief compliance officer. "Detwiler Fenton is not the only research provider publishing similar reports regarding customer reactions, sales and returns of the BlackBerry Z10."</p><p><a href="http://www.washingtonpost.com/business/technology/blackberry-seeks-sec-review-of-report-claiming-high-bb10-return-rates/2013/04/12/a9016386-a375-11e2-82bc-511538ae90a4_story.html">Keep reading...</a></p>