<p>FORTUNE -- At 9:36 a.m. Thursday, shortly after Samsung introduced the newest entries in its Galaxy smartphone line -- the 5.8-inch Mega and the 6.3-inch Mega -- Derek Kessler posted what may be the most viral tweet that wasn't about TV, celebrity, politics, sports, dieting, mysticism or a natural disaster.</p><p>It was a simple list of Samsung's Android screen sizes.</p><p>According to Kessler, a self-described design nerd, armchair pundit and professional ranter, Samsung has put out Android phones in 27 different screen sizes, ranging from the 2.8-inch Galaxy Pocket to the 10.1-inch Galaxy Note.</p><p>Apple (AAPL), by contrast, offers iPhones and iPads in four screen sizes: 3.5 inches, 4 inches, 7.9 inches and 9.7 inches.</p><p><a href="http://tech.fortune.cnn.com/2013/04/12/apple-samsung-screen-sizes/">Keep reading...</a></p>