<p>The new TiVo Mini replaces your second DVR, but it won't completely do away with additional subscription costs.</p><p>TiVo Mini solves one of the great problems of DVRs they're awesome for a single TV and less awesome when you want to watch TV in another room. That has always meant buying a second DVR and incurring an additional subscription. TiVo Mini replaces that second DVR with a smaller box that gives you all the functionality of the Premiere 4.</p><p>But here's the rub: The Mini only works with the TiVo Premiere 4. The Mini requires the use of one of the four tuners in the Premiere to work. It also requires a wired connection to your home network. If you want to watch live TV from your TiVo, you're going to need more bandwidth than Wi-Fi can muster. No one enjoys buffering during Breaking Bad.</p><p>Although TiVo Mini will reduce the $13-a-month subscription cost of a second TiVo, it still will set you back six bucks a month with a 12-month commitment if you purchase the TiVo Mini for $100. Fork over $250 up front and you get a lifetime subscription with your TiVo Mini. You can weigh the cost benefits of going monthly or paying up front. Still, the little box is cheaper than a second TiVo and works with your old non-HDTV thanks to component or composite video outputs. Of course, if you're the type with enough dough for a house full of HDTVs, TiVo Mini has HDMI output for that second HDTV.</p><p><a href="http://www.wired.com/gadgetlab/2013/03/tivo-mini/">Keep reading...</a></p><p>Read also:</p><p><a href="http://www.engadget.com/2013/03/11/tivo-mini-review/">TiVo Mini review</a> (Engadget)</p><p><a href="http://www.pcmag.com/article2/0,2817,2416436,00.asp">TiVo Mini Puts Multi-Room DVR and Apps in $ 99 Box</a> (PC Magazine)</p><p><a href="http://techcrunch.com/2013/03/11/for-a-crazy-5-99-a-month-the-99-tivo-mini-will-pull-recordings-from-a-tivo-premiere/">For A Crazy $ 5.99 A Month, The $ 99 TiVo Mini Will Pull Recordings From A TiVo ...</a> (TechCrunch)</p><p>Explore: <a href="http://news.google.com/news/more?ncl=dXPhxpBHqTq1ymMZg_ezT-bKSyu9M&ned=us">27 additional articles.</a></p>