<p>Instashare, a new app which lets you transfer files between your Mac and iPhone, has gained ground lately as an easy tool for moving photos, PDFs, etc across iDevices. Now, iPad owners are in luck: Instashare is expanding to Apple's tablets to provide what creators TwoManShow call "AirDrop for iOS & OSX."</p><p>If you often find yourself emailing photos between your phone and laptop, you'll know sharing files across devices can be annoyingly difficult. It's a pain point that shouldn't exist, but, because Apple hasn't expanded products like AirDrop to iOS, we're left searching for alternative solutions.</p><p>See Instashare in action in the promo video below:</p><p>For Android and Windows users, TwoManShow has detailed that support for different systems is "coming soon," but at the moment, there's no word as to which operating systems will get attention first.</p><p><a href="http://thenextweb.com/apps/2013/02/24/instashare-is-like-airdrop-on-ios-launches-on-ipad-to-make-local-file-sharing-effortless/">Keep reading...</a></p><p>Read also:</p><p><a href="http://lifehacker.com/5986429/instashare-brings-airdrop+like-file-sharing-to-ios">Instashare Brings AirDrop-Like File Sharing to iOS</a> (Lifehacker)</p><p>Explore: <a href="http://news.google.com/news/more?ncl=dBIylIjgdfV_kbMOxzQjoHu5cqPNM&ned=us">3 additional articles.</a></p>