<p>"How do I get back to the home screen?" "I lost my open window." "The computer deleted my Internet."</p><p>Even if you're just a little bit tech savvy, then chances are you've heard questions or moanings like those from your parents, grandparents or the older friends in your life. Oh yes, you're the family tech genius and the next Steve Jobs just because you know how to set up an email address or use Twitter.</p><p>If you're home for the holidays, you're bound to get questions about tech -- the new iPad, computer or even worse the broken router or desktop computer. Don't worry we've got you covered. Here are some tips for the generous family IT department this holiday.</p><p>Before anything, there are some general rules you've got to keep in mind before you start teaching the less tech-knowledgeable.</p><p><a href="http://abcnews.go.com/Technology/ipad-windows-mac-tips-parents-grandparents-tech-questions/story?id=18057191">Keep reading...</a></p>