<p>October 1, 2012 at 9:50 pm | In West Seattle news, West Seattle people | No Comments</p><p>How can robotics make life easier for seniors? That's one question the MicroChix, a group of local Girl Scouts, are working on, as part of a special regional challenge (explained here). To help tackle the topic, they came to The Kenney (WSB sponsor) to talk with some of the residents on Sunday afternoon. In our photo, MicroChix members are showing a project they worked on previously, looking for a robotic solution to a problem faced with food service equipment, something they even discussed with Husky Deli proprietor Jack Miller. Before the challenge competition is over this winter, the MicroChix will build a LEGO robot to try to solve unique quality-of-life challenges for seniors. We'll check back with them to see how it goes!</p><p>RSS feed for comments on this post.</p><p>All contents copyright 2012, A Drink of Water and a Story Interactive. Here's how to contact us.No photo reuse without permission.Entries and comments feeds. ^Top^</p><p><a href="http://westseattleblog.com/2012/10/microchix-talk-with-seniors-to-tackle-robotics-challenge">Keep reading...</a></p>