<p>Mounting a big-screen television above a fireplace might be America's favorite place for an HDTV. It's also the worst.</p><p>Looking up four or five hours nightly invites a perpetually cranky, stiff neck. An active fireplace's heat and random smoke shorten the television's life too.</p><p>If that won't stop you, what about all the wires? How is it possible to mount a television cleanly on a wall without a hideous tangle of wires or bludgeoning Sheetrock to find a hidden path?</p><p>The Enabler has an idea: the DVDO Air, a wireless HDMI connection that sends high-definition video (including 3-D) and up to 7.1 channels of sound (the point-one represents the subwoofer) across a room. With a 30-foot range, the DVDO Air is a barely visible link between a cable box, Blu-ray player or entire home theater and a freshly mounted HDTV.</p><p><a href="http://www.courant.com/business/connecticut/sc-cons-0920-tech-dvdo-air-20120921,0,2961618.story">Keep reading...</a></p>