Article archive for 2009 – Page 4

Friday, May 1, 2009

Incident report: denial of service attack against

You may have noticed that Connected Photographer has been offline for the past few days. It’s back, and what happened makes for quite a story.

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Friday, May 1, 2009

Swaptree, the cyber swap meet

What do you do with all of those books, CDs, DVDs, and video games you have sitting around collecting dust? You could sell them at a garage sale, on eBay, or trade them in; but you get nowhere near their value. Instead, why not take them Swaptree, where the swap meet meets cyberspace?

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Wednesday, April 1, 2009

10 Twitter apps for your business

This month, let’s look at 10 applications that complement Twitter, enhancing its capacity to help you grow and operate your company. Thanks to Twitter’s freely available API, there are piles upon piles of applications out there that integrate with it. Here are the ones Jorge Sosa found most intriguing.

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Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Why we can’t recommend the Acer Aspire One

As Heather’s previous laptop began to near the end of its lifespan, she began looking for a replacement. But her experience buying an Acer product mirrors many other people who’ve also bought Acer products and, at this time, we can’t recommend buying any Acer product, due to their rather poor reliability and support.

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Wednesday, April 1, 2009

How to reduce stress in this crazy, crazy world

Tomorrow is tax day, there’s rush hour traffic, your next project deadline, a least favorite co-worker, your teenager’s plans for spring break, Al-Qaida’s plans and your recent investment portfolio. Notice your stress level shifting into high gear? This interesting article by stress management expert Larry Green can help you manage that stress in one simple lesson.

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Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Twitter basics for business

Raise your hand if you’re sick of all this Twitter hype. Good. Now keep your hand up if you’ve checked out Twitter and don’t understand what the big deal is. I mean, why putz around reading a sea of dispatches from narcissistic hipsters, obsessed with what they had for lunch, when you’ve got real work to do? OK, your hand’s still up. Good. Don’t worry. Your reaction is perfectly natural for any sensible adult. But, you shouldn’t judge Twitter by your first impression.

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Sunday, March 1, 2009

An open letter to Palm CEO Ed Colligan about finding the win-win position

Are you out of your fracking mind? Let’s see. Happy developer. Makes fun little product that celebrates your new direction. Your own existing customers like it. What do you do? Do you feature them on your home page? Do you celebrate what they’re doing? No, of course not. You send a cease and desist letter.

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Sunday, March 1, 2009

Using some easy tech can improve your study success

Although it may seem like I spend all my time here at ZATZ, during my off-hours, I mentor students of the Medical Terminology course at the local community college. One student (let’s call her Rita) told me she was having a lot of trouble memorizing all of the terms. After I wrote her an email with some suggestions, I realized these study techniques could be applied to almost any course — and since tech is involved, would make a good topic for Computing Unplugged.

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Sunday, March 1, 2009

He said, she said: 17-inch laptop cases

Unfortunately, none of our existing laptop bags fit these monstrous 17-inch laptops, and that’s why we’re doing this he said, she said review. We explained the project to Targus and asked them to send us each a bag, one for a girl and one for a boy.

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Sunday, March 1, 2009

Five tech ways to recession-proof your life

Here are five very simple and nearly hands-off ways to recession-proof your life. Lucky for you, between social media and your inbox, you can tweak your incoming doom-and-gloom filter and skip the rest. Anyway you shouldn’t be watching so much TV, it’s bad for you!

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