Western Digital has introduced its new <A HREF="http://www.westerndigital.com/en/company/releases/PressRelease.asp?release={21DAB88E-ACFB-4D8F-8F63-01C279E43807}">My Book Mirror Edition dual-drive storage systems,</A> which can automatically store valuable personal content not once, but twice, to maximize data safety. This RAID-based continuous data protection feature, called mirroring, makes WD's My Book Mirror Edition storage systems the safest place for storing irreplaceable data.
Personal collections of digital content, such as photos, music, and videos, continue to grow on desktop and notebook computers around the world. Consumers are increasingly aware that taking precautions to protect their data is vital and are looking for a simple solution. Consumers can also use the My Book Mirror Edition storage system and the included backup software to automatically and continuously back up their personal computers. The mirroring feature provides users the added assurance of a redundant backup of their data.