The i705 is just the latest in a line of wireless handhelds that are sure to inspire excitement and interest in the corporate world. We were curious, though. How does the new Palm i705 stack up against one of the better-known competitor products, the RIM BlackBerry? Afterall, both devices are designed to wirelessly send and receive email. We asked Contributing Editor Steve Niles to dig in, and compare both, side-by-side. Read on for our first in-depth comparison between these two contenders.
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TriTech Software Systems’ Voyager family of applications for police, fire, EMS, public safety, and similar agencies were originally designed to allow field personnel to access critical incident information, query the Criminal Justice Information Systems database, transmit data, record incident details, and write tickets from a Palm handheld. Now, Christine Harland Williams will show you how the events of September 11 have now placed these Palm handheld applications at the center of state, federal, and private efforts to bolster homeland security and improve emergency response as well.
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Kaiser Permanente is one of a growing number of healthcare organizations using Palm handhelds to cut costs, eliminate paperwork, and improve patient care. Christine Harland Williams will show you why their simple handheld application demonstrates how organizations can start small when it comes to using handheld technology and still realize significant benefits and ROI.
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In last month’s issue, Editor-in-Chief David Gewirtz discussed some of the amazing advantages inherent in the tiny little SD card, a highly secure stamp-sized flash memory card that can expand the functionality of all the most recent Palm handheld releases. Apparently, many of you agreed. In this edition of Letters to the Editor, we share two readers’ thoughts on how expansion technology is improving the way they work.
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The simplicity and versatility of the Palm OS platform has made it possible for developers to create solutions that can fit into just about any business environment you can imagine. To find the application that’s right for your business needs, consult Palm’s Enterprise Solutions Directory, which Contributing Editor Steve Niles has spotlighted as this month’s Site of the Month.
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As evidenced by the release of the Palm i705, a new breed of connected devices is about to change the Palm OS landscape and lead to both new users and new software. Customers are beginning to seek applications that include a different level of connectivity. In this article from our sponsor, you’ll learn how Cutting Edge Software is taking the lead in developing the next generation of business-focused applications, starting with Quickoffice Conference Edition, which enables wireless data conference session participants to exchange information and share files between multiple users and even connect to data-logging machines or databases in real-time.
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In order to be a truly effective employee of any enterprise, you need to master the skills of self-organization However, a poor organization system can make your attempts to simplify your life more complicated than it’s worth. Contributing Editor Michael Connick has hit upon a wonderfully simple solution for staying organized, and he’ll share it with you in this extremely helpful article.
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Palm has updated its Palm VII series wireless handhelds by introducing the sleak, attractive, and thoughtfully designed Palm i705. Contributing Editor Steve Niles takes a first look at this exciting new handheld and will introduce you to all the new features and functionality.
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Ryan Niemann knows a great deal about what businesses face when developing a mobile solutions strategy. In this important article he shares some valuable advice for IT managers scrambling for solutions. He addresses the new security and support challenges that arise as a growing number of enterprise workers take their email and corporate data on the go.
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Having tired of carrying around both a PDA and a cell phone, Richard Echeandia has opted for the convenience of the Samsung SPH-I300 smartphone that combines the functionality of both devices into one compact and colorful package. In this review, Richard shares the pros and cons of this convergent device.
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