Are you Graffiti-challenged? Do you sometimes hunt-and-peck away at the little Palm on-screen keyboard until your eyes cross and your brain freezes? If you’re looking for a better way to get information into your Palm device, check out a little gem called T9. It replaces the Palm’s on-screen keyboard with a large pad that resembles that of a telephone keypad. A little smart tapping, and words magically appear on your screen. In this review, A. Ron Carmichael waxes poetic on the benefits of T9.
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You know what an email signature is. It’s that fun tag at the end of an email message that you can use to provide contact information, share your philosophy of life, or otherwise tell your story. But why be left out if you use your Palm organizer to send email? In this article, contributing editor Claire Pieterek tells us how to use signatures on the Palm device and shares some great ideas for making your signature more interesting. You can even use some of these techniques for your desktop email client.
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In "When Harry Met Sally", Meg Ryan ("Sally") got all fussy about how she ordered her food. Billy Crystal ("Harry") called her "high maintenance". We at PalmPower identify with "high maintenance" and try to live our lives in such a way that we live up to that label. Another way of thinking about a high maintenance individual is to understand that such a person has many preferences. Software running on Palm organizers also has preferences, but is probably nowhere near as high maintenance as your editors. In this latest of the Programming Power series, prgramming technology editor Alan Jay Weiner shows us how you can set Palm preferences in your programs. Now if only it were that easy in real life!
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The Palm organizer is a great device for keeping your life in order. With the addition of a few new pieces of software, the Palm device can also help you manage your money (and perhaps save a bit for a sunny day). PalmPower has scored another coup by recruiting financial expert Elia Freedman to introduce us to the class of software called "financial calculators". In this informative article, he helps us understand how to use a financial calculator to calculate and save money on mortgages and plan investments that can make you money over the long term. Show me the money!
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A friend sent us a wonderful story via email. Normally, we wouldn’t just reprint a story from an anonymous writer received over email, but this one is pretty special and we wanted to share it with you all. In his monthly editorial, Editor-in-Chief David Gewirtz shares this warm-hearted, uplifting story and relates it to the Palm experience.
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Do you Yahoo? If you do, then this article is for you. Seriously, Jeff Carlson has put together a fascinating article about linking Yahoo’s Web-based calendar to the Palm device. You can automatically HotSync from your Palm computer to a file that’s uploaded to the Web calendar. Now you can access your schedule from anywhere and share it with all your friends.
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In this month’s installment of the PalmPower Book-of-the-Month Club, Craig Froehle and John Swain, keepers of well-respected e-text repositories, explore science related e-books. This month they traverse the entire scope of modern scientific achievement (OK, so they write about some good e-books) and discuss the future-looking science of Jules Verne as well as provide great reference tools for students and professionals in the sciences.
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In the second of our special feature reviews, contributing editor Bob Freud reviews Jot, another replacement handwriting recognition program for the PalmPilot organizer. Jot is the handwriting recognizer used on many Windows CE devices and is now available for PalmPilot device users. How does Jot stack up? Will it make using your PalmPilot easier? Using Jot, do Windows CE users have it better? You’ll need to read this article to find out.
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Graffiti. Either you love it or you don’t. For those of you who need to enter information into your Palm device but aren’t absolutely thrilled with your relationship with Graffiti, there are finally alternatives. One such alternative, reviewed in depth by Scott Johnson, is TealScript from TealPoint Software. This is a very important new product and everyone who uses a Palm organizer should read this comprehensive, detailed review.
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It’s interesting to see where add-on suppliers put their effort. Who would have thought that the "stylus market" would be such a battlefield? For that matter, who would have thought that there’d be a stylus market? But it’s a hot and heavy battle in that small segment of Palm device add-ons. The winners are clear: Palm device users. In this helpful article Claire Pieterek lays this season’s styli (including the powerfully named "Throttle" and the unusual Fingertip Stylus) out on the table and compares them. If you want to be cool, you’ll need the latest in stylish, stylus accessories and you’ll need to read this article.
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